Greater Midwest Region
Fire Damper Testing
Fire Life Safety systems are an essential component of both existing and new construction. Fire Smoke Dampers are among the most important of these. HVAC duct penetrations through fire-rated walls, ceilings, and floors are where these devices are installed. These devices prevent fire and smoke from spreading through HVAC ductwork, giving occupants time to evacuate and reducing building damage in the event of a fire. However, as buildings and systems age and physical, mechanical, or electrical issues arise, dampers can become inoperable, leaving the duct open to fire and smoke during a fire and putting the facility at risk of being shut down for noncompliance.
The testing and maintenance of Fire Smoke Dampers ensures and documents that critical Fire Life Safety building systems function properly.
Fire Damper Testing Includes:
- Location of fire dampers
- Plotting damper locations on plans
- Fire Damper inspections performed to code
- Fire Damper repairs performed to code